Do you crave a mint tea?

Do you crave a mint tea?

Hey everyone, it has been a long time since we published our last editorial. Our team has been working very hard on bringing the best recommendations and has also been cooking up some new features for everyone, both in the virtual world and in real life.

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During this super stressful period, we often need something to help us relax and feel comfortable. This reminds me of my trip to Rotterdam a few years ago when I attended an international conference, and that was the first time I had mint tea.

It’s quite easy to make. Just put a bunch of fresh mint into a cup, then pour hot water directly into it. The smell is so refreshing, and I still love it.

Get some fresh mint here,
Gourmet Whole Mint Leaves by It’s Delish, 2 OZ Bulk Bag All Natural Spearmint Leaf Best For Diet, Cooling Refreshing Tea & Flavoring

Some people might also like to put lemon and/or honey, but for me, just the mint and the hot water is good enough for me to relax my busy mind.

See the full list of recommendations here.

One more thing, for us, mint tea doesn’t only mean something to drink; we are also heavily involved in Web3 infrastructure development. In case you’re interested in building your own Dapp (which is an application to verify NFT ownership… I know I’m getting a bit ahead), you might also want to visit our other product at

Have a lovely mint day.

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