About Guide & Buy

Guide & Buy is an independent AI Shopping Guide launched in June 2023. We are an AI-driven shopping guidance tool built on conversational AI. Simply tell us your situation in the input section, and we will provide you with solutions.

Who are we?

Guide & Buy is developed by a group of (extremely) left-brained and (extremely) right-brained engineers and artists from very different backgrounds. We understand our differences, and that is why we are able to solve problems from various perspectives.

How to use 'Guide & Buy'?

You can share your situation with us, such as

I want to have BBQ for tonight's dinner

My backyard has a lot of spiders

The system will provide you with the necessary information. If you're lacking ideas, you can also try our suggested prompts.

Do we support languages other than English?

YES, WE DO! We support most languages. If you're unsure, give us a try!

Our editors love to experiment on mixed languages too, try one of our favorites,

Ich yum yum BBQ たべたい〜〜〜

파티 아이디어 for my 3-year old 子供

Do we only show results from US Walmart stores now?

Yes, we are currently in our beta version, but we will soon be rolling out services to different countries with other stores.

What if I don't live in the US, can I still use 'Guide & Buy'?

Of course! You may still get some ideas for your problems. After all, we are here to “guide”.

Is 'Guide & Buy' free to use?

Yes. 100% free.

Follow us

Official website: https://www.guidenbuy.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/guidenbuy
Instagram: https://instagram.com/guidenbuy